November 28, 2008

Obama Prayer Team

Obama Prayer Team - Blessings

Gail Dietrich
to Obama

Our Loving Father, humbly we come to you, thankful for so many blessings. We thank you for the mercy and grace you show us that cannot be equaled. Thank you for our country, our families, homes, friends, our military, and those in our government. Thank you for President Elect Obama and Vice President Elect Biden, their families, administration, and staff. Thank you for the guidance you have given them in selection of the new administration.

Father we know there will be new changes and challenges for them and their families to face. Strengthen them, guide them, and protect them.

In the same say, you husbands should live with your wives in an understanding way, since they are weaker than you. But show them respect, because God gives them the same blessing he gives you--the grace that gives true. Do this so that nothing will stop your prayers. 1 Peter 3:7


Amen, and I would like to extend this prayer dear Lord, to include his family near and far as well as any and all of his friends that truly are a friend, because at no other time will our President-Elect need true, loyal and spiritual friends, family and faithful believers around him...thank you Lord and so it is....


Thanksgiving Day Reflection

to Obama

We thank you for this special time of reflection of what You have done this past year, and for what You have in store for us this coming year! You have blessed us with many answers to prayer. You have kept Barack Obama and his family safe and secure while promoting him to the highest leadership position in the USA. We thank You for all your blessings, for each and every person who supported his candidacy, for the many faithful believers who prayed for Barack, for the many who donated their time and money to make it possible. We believe that You have a plan for our nation, a plan to prosper and bless the USA under Barack's leadership. We thank You for provision of food, gas and electricity to heat and cool our homes, for transportation, for running water, for friends and family. Most of all, we are thankful that You are our God, our blessed Heavenly Father who loves us unconditionally. Thank You for comforting us in our times of sorrow, for healing us when we are sick, for carrying us when we feel we just cannot go another step, and for bringing people into our lives who we can love and who will love us back. We are so grateful for the Obama Prayer Team. Thank You, Father, for providing us the rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ. Thank You for filling us with your Holy Spirit, and empowering us for service here on earth.
In Jesus' name we praise Your Holy Name!

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