November 13, 2008

We need to continue to pray for the spirit of racism to
be broken in this country. There are still some deep-
seated fears and dislikes about culturally and
ethnically diverse groups. This has yet to be settled in
this country, and it will take effectual, fervent prayer.
As we continue to pray for the prayer objectives of
the OPT, pray for repentence in the land, and continue
to pray for one another. Stay focused!
Love and Prayers,Beverly

Kris & Jean Hamilton to Obama

Our Presbyterian pastor said, "let's all give grace to
one another,remembering that we have differing political opinions
but one Lord."However, inside I know he was turning cartwheels
and dancing for joy.I'm struck by the number of people who voted the
other way and arestill grateful to God that they lived to see this day.Keep up the good work of prayer, lest the burdens
seem overwhelming.

Jen LaMaire to Obama

Hi friends! Our church members also have reluctantly thrown
support behind Obama. We all need to continue in our
churches, even when it's hard and the things our
friends say can be absurd, let's march on with love
and truth in our hearts patiently, and prayerfully
waiting for Jesus to work our Republican church friends over.
I believe with Jesus working through all of us, we can
bring change to our churches that will attract
multitudes of sinners and spiritually bankrupt people
to the feet of Jesus .

For too long have people stayed out of church because of the hatred
and hypocrisy that has persisted. I want us to sing in church "Open
the eyes of my heart LORD", and really have it mean
something for all of us. No longer do I want it to be us
against them, I want the love eminating from the
church body to be so on fire that it burns up any sin
that comes near it. Jesus, make it possible for us, all of us to carry out
your commandment to Love one another. No more
violence, no more wars, no more division. Only your
glory and grace, we want all of it!!

Unify us Lord. Lord, use us, and abuse us. All of us in this group
joyously leap into the offering plate and commit
everything we have to furthering your Kingdom on
this earth. Give us the ears and wisdom and courage
to move when asked. Thank you for loving us in ways
we can hardly comprehend. "For I am confident in this very thing.
That he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day
of Christ Jesus" Phillipians 1:6

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